Well try having your dad practically leave you when you're 5, after that you don't know what to do so you always stay in your room and keep to yourself, you're finally able to see your dad and he ignores you so yet again you're stuck with yourself, your mom has custody of you and your dad isn't paying child care so you have no money and you're barely making it with the food you do have, you can visit your dad again and he's got a new girlfriend, your dad still barely acknowledges you and now his gf treats you like shit and more than likely probably doesn't care for you, you literally feel abused by her to the point of you becoming depressed around the age of 7, that's not normal! Along with being abused mentally and physically by your dads gf you have to deal with getting bullied at school, you start going to a therapist but that doesn't help much it just slows down how long it takes for you to break down, you're in 5th grade and your done with it, there's no therapy cause its too expensive, I'm still getting bullied, my parents still ignore me, im still a loner, nothing was right..I was done with it so while my mom was gone I pulled out a butchers knife from the drawer and held it next to my throat ready for one swift slice...but in that moment I realized that it doesn't change anything, all it changes is you being gone, your parents who you thought didn't care would shed a river of tears, the news would quickly spread to your little group you call friends and they'd probably cry too, why hurt so many people by hurting yourself...its not worth the sadness of everyone around you, especially when after it all you learn life isn't so bad..I'm a loner, I'm still me myself and I, but never do I think of taking my life again