Use apps to find missing children face matches ar
.The charity's website to find missing children centers across mainland China. Alone, only cooperation from the police and the website. It was not enough to raise a family that lost their loved ones to have
.Because of the static shock. Each year more than 20,000 children have been abducted by a beggar. To child labor. Etc.
jwt organizations and agencies in China have made a joint ad campaign was cool, with high goal is to put people first,.400 million people across the Chinese mainland. Together as a monitor for a missing child. With new technologies such as augmented reality or virtual accessories in apps on smart phones
.That is, when installing the machine and shine to the statue. (The parents' hands. But if you look below you will clearly see the shape of a small child. Standing in the middle), it will see many children appear on the screen.The system is then compared with a database of facial skeletal missing children. If the correct matches. It sends data to inform the parents as soon as I found this boy (because Apple has identified the location coordinates)
Videos background apps are here (careful, you'll never make you cry)
in a week. There are apps to download, then to 20,000 times that it is there to help you monitor an additional 20,000 missing children immediately