Table 2. Description of the collapsed COPUS codes
Collapsed codes Individual codes
Instructor is: Presenting (P) Lec: Lecturing or presenting information
RtW: Real-time writing
D/V: Showing or conducting a demo, experiment, or simulation
Guiding (G) FlUp: Follow-up/feedback on clicker question or activity
PQ: Posing nonclicker question to students (nonrhetorical)
CQ: Asking clicker question (entire time, not just when first asked)
AnQ: Listening to and answering student questions to entire class
MG: Moving through class guiding ongoing student work
1o1: One-on-one extended discussion with individual students
Administration (A) Adm: Administration (assign homework, return tests, etc.)
Other (OI) W: Waiting (instructor late, working on fixing technical problems)
O: Other
Students are: Receiving (R) L: Listening to instructor
Talking to class (STC) AnQ: Student answering question posed by instructor
SQ:: Student asks question
WC:: Students engaged in whole-class discussion
SP: Students presenting to entire class
Working (SW) Ind: Individual thinking/problem solving
CG: Discussing clicker question in groups of students
WG: Working in groups on worksheet activity
OG: Other assigned group activity
Prd: Making a prediction about a demo or experiment
TQ: Test or quiz
Other (OS) W: Waiting (instructor late, working on fixing technical problems)