7.2 Customer-Focused Results
Collin’s Customer Survey (Figure 7.2-
1) results indicate levels matching or
exceeding benchmarks for overall and the
Aerospace and Contract R&D business
segments in recent years. Exemplary
product performance has led to these levels
of satisfaction. Satisfaction in the PE market is improving as
processes are improved and the market is better understood.
In addition to overall percentages, Collin analyzes the overall
satisfaction results for each customer requirement (Figure
7.2-2) based on the average rating using a ten-point scale. For
the past four years, measures of engagement show an improvement
trend. Based on sustained moderate ratings, a CI2 Team
is working on reducing unit cost for the PE market in order to
increase satisfaction for pricing.
Drill-down information is analyzed for customer satisfaction
for the top two priorities by market (Figure 7.2-3). Satisfaction
with HDLW solutions is trending favorably across all three
business segments. This reinforces the efforts that Collin is
taking to innovate interconnect solutions.