Changing consumer preferences and the growth of
brands’ looks in detail at how the consumer landscape
is changing in the US and China. Notwithstanding the
market’s vertiginous growth over the last five years,
China still offers a tremendous growth opportunity
for the industry. Penetration of diamond jewellery is
still relatively low and consumers’ desire for diamonds
is high. The situation in the US, a more mature
market for diamonds, is different. Fine jewellery has
grown more slowly than other luxury categories in
recent years. However, there are promising growth
areas in the US too, not least in bridal jewellery and
branded diamonds and diamond jewellery, which
have performed particularly well in recent years
Changing consumer preferences and the growth ofbrands’ looks in detail at how the consumer landscapeis changing in the US and China. Notwithstanding themarket’s vertiginous growth over the last five years,China still offers a tremendous growth opportunityfor the industry. Penetration of diamond jewellery isstill relatively low and consumers’ desire for diamondsis high. The situation in the US, a more maturemarket for diamonds, is different. Fine jewellery hasgrown more slowly than other luxury categories inrecent years. However, there are promising growthareas in the US too, not least in bridal jewellery andbranded diamonds and diamond jewellery, whichhave performed particularly well in recent years
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