Mae saw it in her husband’s eyes then Jim Braddock wasn’t going to be beaten. I’ll cut your coat so you can put it on over the cast. She said. Opening the shoe polish and spreading it on the white cast. Now we just need a piece of steak for your face. Jim Braddock. She laughed.
Six year old Rosy’s face appeared around the blanket. Jim smiled at her. Deciding. Not for the first time. That he was a lucky man to have Mae as his wife.
It was early morning and Jim was standing outside the familiar locked gate at Netwark docks. As the sun appeared in the east. The foreman. Jake. Walked up. Jim put his broken hand behind him. The doctor had said it would be useless for months.
One, two, three . as usual. Jake walked along the group, pointing to the workers he wanted. Five,six,seven. Jim stood tall. Eight . Jake’s eyes fell on Jim. Then the foreman pointed at him. Nine.
Stepped forward, knowing that he was one of the lucky few who had work that day.