Study Limitations:
The limitations that confronted the researcher while conducting her study can be
summarized as follows:
1. Personal bias: some of the information in this study reflects the
judgment of individuals who provided the information and may have
biases favoring the success of their companies.
2. The new concepts of (HRIS) in Jordan: the term HRIS is not a
common term and that was reflected in the scarcity of resources
discussing the topic especially the Arabic ones.
3. The other limitations is the lack of sufficient sum of data.The reason
behind that is that most companies consider data related to human
resources confidential, or at least should not be publicized;
however, the appropriate analysis method and ensuring the
anonymity of responses should solve this problem.
4. Some Jordanian mobile companies were conservative in providing
5. The nature of HRIS effect creates other limitations. Part of HRIS
effects tangible and hence, could be measured , while the other
parts are intangible and difficult to measure, however , the
statistical method of using participants scores to ensure the study
questions will be used to deal with this problems.