- this road with someone.N- Really?
- So I've always...N- This is a long road.
walked this street by myself.
It's my first time to walk with someone.
Don't we feel different when we walk a familiar street with someone?
- That's true.N- Yes.
- This is the first road.N- She said, "first road."
(This is the first road.)
That's the street I've always walked by myself while listening to music.
But when I walked the road with him, talking to each other,
I felt a bit shy.
I also got butterflies in my stomach.
As it was the first time to walk there with him,
I felt very strange and new.
It felt a bit weird.
When I'm with someone comfortable, I don't have to do anything.
I feel comfortable even though we don't talk.
So, I felt pretty good to walk with her, without talking too much.
Walking with her itself was very pleasant.
What is it?
There are eels.
They are sea eels.
(They look at them closely.)
- Are they dead?N- No, they are alive.
My goodness.
That scared me.
(Are you okay?)
- Gosh.N- Do you like eels?
- Do you want something to drink?N- Okay.
(They go into a convenience store to get some snacks.)
What do you want? What's your favourite snack?
I want this one.
- Do you like sweet potato snacks?N- Yes.
- I like it, too.N- Really?
- I like how it sounds as well.N- Right.
So they'll share snacks on their way home.
- Thank you.N- Thank you. Goodbye.
(They never forget to say thank you before leaving a store.)
- Should I open it?N- Yes.
(Eric opens Solar's snack first.)
Thank you.
(He opens her snack first.)
(Take it.)
(They're enjoying small happiness.)
- Thank you.N- Of course.