Table 1. The results of the calculation of the composite index of ecological safety of civil buildings
No. The name of the indicators [dimensionless characteristics]
Customary structural concept [10, 19]
The building of prefabricated elements >21, 25í28@
1 The factor of using non-waste and low-waste technologies (Wn )
2 The emission of pollutants into the atmosphere (Un )
0.92 0.64
0.94 0.72
3 The rate of discharges into water basins (Qn ) 0.85 0.61
4 The rate of contamination of soils (Sn ) 0.82 0.59
5 The figure of territory (Fn ) seized from the nature of the settlement
6 The energy intensity of building products (EIn ) reflects the consumption of fuel and energy resources throughout the life cycle of the building
7 The composite index of ecological safety of civil buildings (CI)
0.91 0.76
0.96 0.62
0.895 0.653
The indicators of waste products and energy (Table 1) affect the final construction products.
A new constructive solution is characterized by 30% less weight due to the use of thin-walled structural members and high-energy consumption of reinforcing steel, IRU H[DPSOH, LQ D KRUL]RQWDO HOHPHQWV E 10í15% (13í20 NJ) SHU 1 FXELF PHWHU RI FRQFUHWH LQ WKH IRXQGDWLRQV E 15í20% (15í 35 NJ). 7KURXJK WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ RI FRQVWUXFWLRQ SURMHFWV ZLWK ORZHU HQHUJ FRQVXPSWLRQ, RX FDQ VDYH DERXW 2695í4831 N:āK RI HOHFWUicity per cubic meter of