Raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has often been associated with higher levels
of parenting stress and psychological distress, and a number of studies have examined the role of
psychological processes as mediators of the impact of child problem behavior on parent mental
health. The current study examined the relations among child problem behavior, parent mental
health, psychological acceptance, and parent empowerment. Participants included 228 parents
of children diagnosed with ASD, 6–21 years of age. As expected, psychological acceptance and
empowerment were negatively related to the severity of parent mental health problems. When
acceptance and empowerment were compared with each other through a test of multiple mediation,
only psychological acceptance emerged as a significant partial mediator of the path between child
problem behavior and parent mental health problems. As child problem behavior increased, parent
psychological acceptance decreased, resulting in an increase in parent mental health problems. These
findings suggest that for problems that are chronic and difficult to address, psychological acceptance
Raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has often been associated with higher levelsof parenting stress and psychological distress, and a number of studies have examined the role ofpsychological processes as mediators of the impact of child problem behavior on parent mentalhealth. The current study examined the relations among child problem behavior, parent mentalhealth, psychological acceptance, and parent empowerment. Participants included 228 parentsof children diagnosed with ASD, 6–21 years of age. As expected, psychological acceptance andempowerment were negatively related to the severity of parent mental health problems. Whenacceptance and empowerment were compared with each other through a test of multiple mediation,only psychological acceptance emerged as a significant partial mediator of the path between childproblem behavior and parent mental health problems. As child problem behavior increased, parentpsychological acceptance decreased, resulting in an increase in parent mental health problems. Thesefindings suggest that for problems that are chronic and difficult to address, psychological acceptance
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