2.3.1. The Smart Assembly Workstation
The smart assembly workstation was designed and developed considering ergonomics in all aspects of design and layout with full adjustability. The size of the tabletop (work surface) was calculated based on the mean reach of the user population with an
allowance. A special table frame was designed for the vertical and angular movements of the tabletop using small motors. The frame mechanism was designed for precise movements of the tabletop. Push-button switches were provided for the control of these movements. Operators could adjust the tabletop to their most preferred work heights. The table could be used for sit, stand, and sit-stand assembly workstations. Attachments were provided to the frame for bins and tools holders for adjustments. A fully adjustable ergonomic chair was provided to the operators. Major features of the ergonomic adjustable chair were: adjustable seat height by gas suction, adjustable and titled back support, tilted seat pan covered with porous and breath-able material, removable and adjustable arm rests, footrest and a foot ring.