This is a love story that sounds almost too Lady And The Tramp to be true, but it is nice to see that love can still overpower money. A wealthy man had divorced his beautiful wife three times, but wanted to get back together. Since the Islamic law prohibits a husband from reinstating his wife if he divorces her for the third time unless she marries another man, the millionaire then paid a poor, mute man to marry his ex-wife so he could remarry her. The pauper accepted the big sum of money, agreeing to divorce the woman after a month. However, at the end of the month, he refused to divorce her, and the woman also told her ex-husband that she would rather stay with the poor man than return to him. Even after being told just that, the millionaire filed a court suit to win her back, but lost the case after the judge told him that the marriage between the woman and the dumb man was legal.