As consciousnes becomes a more viable field of
investigation and research, more atempts are being made to examine
states of consciousnes and their efects on certain abilities. A
meta-analysis was used to examine the state of relaxation and its
efects on learning, performance, and academic achievement. A search
of PsychINFO, the data base of the American Psychological
Asociation, yielded 20 studies with re..evant statisitics. Each study
used a control group to compare the efects of one or more of the
folowing relaxation techniques: (1) kinesthetics; (2) progresive
relaxation; (3) progresive relaxation with music; and (4)
progresive relaxation with imagery. One-half of the studies involved
colege undergraduates and the other half involved elementary schol
pupils. Meta-analysis of the studies revealed that relaxation
techniques, in particular progresive relaxation techniques, had a smal positive efect on cognitive academic variables. Examination of
the studies sugests, however, that more carefuly designed and
implemented studies ned to be undertaken, especialy in the area of
relaxation techniques and afective educational outcome.