Court forms, everything for your claim
Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCS) publish and regularly update the leaflets and forms explaining and communicating the court process.
Leaflets are numbered starting with the characters EX, for example EX160B Undertaking to apply for remission of a court fee or to pay a court fee.
Forms that are used to communicate with or instruct the court are numbered and start with the character N, for example N1 Claim Form. Instructions for completing each form are either included with the form or are lead by the same number:
N1 claim form
N1A Notes on completing the N1 claim form
N1C Notes for defendant on replying to the claim form
County court request forms usually have a statutory court fee.
County court application forms, notification forms and notice forms do not have a fee.
Not everyone is confident and experienced in preparing and making their own small claim. MoneyClaimsUK are here to help, our pre-action® ADR® service ensures pre-action compliance and fulfils your pre-court obligations, prior to commencing County Court proceedings and continues all the way through the court process to post judgment enforcement