The large subunit of the ribosomal (lr) RNA gene
of Thai Apis cerana was amplified and sequenced. The average
sequence divergence among geographically diverse bees
was 1.13% (0.15% – 1.70%, n = 8). Based on these nucleotide
sequences, genetic differentiation analysis of A. cerana
was simplified to a RFLP based on Dra I. Four haplotypes of
digested lrRNA gene were observed. Haplotype A was found
in north, north-east and the central region (collectively called
the north-to-central sample) whereas haplotype B was
restricted to specimens from peninsular Thailand, Phuket and
Samui Islands (collectively called the southern sample).
Haplotype C was found in 47.06% of A. cerana originating
from Samui Island but was not found in other geographic
samples. Geographic heterogeneity analysis and FST statistics
indicated the existence of population differentiation of A.
cerana in Thailand (P < 0.0001). Analysis of molecular variance
(AMOVA) also illustrated significant genetic differences
between bees from the north-to-central region (A),
peninsular Thailand and Phuket (B) and Samui Island (C)
(P < 0.0001).