The ground state 1S0 of Bi3+ ion is from the 6s2 electronic configuration. Its excited states are the triplet levels (3P0, 3P1, and 3P2) and the 1P1 singlet state, which is from the 6s6p electronic configuration [5]. The emission properties of Bi3+ ion have been investigated widely in many host lattices. Bi3+ doped materials usually show broad absorption band in the ultraviolet (UV) region and exhibit variable broadband emission extending from the UV to the red spectral range due to the 3P1,0 → 1S0 transitions [6]. The emission of Bi3+ ion, which originates from the 6s2 electrons, is susceptible to the surrounding chemical environment (e.g., site symmetry, coordination number, covalency, and host stiffness) [7]. In addition to the above 6s2→6s16p1 transitions of Bi3+ ion, the D-level state is considered as a trapped excited state. D-level absorption is reported due to the transitions from the ground state of Bi3+ ion to the conduction band states of host [8]. An emission arising from charge transfer (CT) transition between the activator Bi3+ and the host metal cations with d0 or d10 configuration (e.g., Ti4+, Sn4+, V5+, Nb5+, W6+, and Mo6+ etc.), which is described as a metal-to-metal charge-transfer (MMCT), has also been reported [9] and [10]