we are pleased to inform You that, for few months, the new ENRICO CASSINA website is online, the first Brand in the world, 100% Made in Italy, specialized in interior design projects.
By surfing the website www.enricocassina.it You will have the possibility to download the new catalogues, that we properly studied with care and professionalism for Interior Designers: high quality complete solutions, innovative personalized technologies, stylistic purity, fast and easy consultation, clear and wide possibility of choice among objects and finishes.
The precious collections, Made in Italy and manufactured thanks to the craftsmanship, the innovation and the experience in the production of precious metals, developed products groups of related products in the same style and finish, able to furnish each architectural environment, classic, modern or contemporary.
Custom-made solutions and more than 35.000 references, distributed in over 80 countries, represent an innovative and functional proposal to the complexity of interior design in pure Italian style, by granting the necessary support and service to easily work and make Your projects be special, with objects of unique and rare aesthetic and technical quality.
Surf the website www.enricocassina.it, visit our Factory and our authorized distributors.
For any further information the Export Manager, Mr. Luca Zardoni (e-mail address luca.zardoni@omporro.eu ) stays at Your complete disposal.