You work for JASPAL head office in the IT or Administration department and staff from JASPAL shops are coming to listen to your presentation (including some power point slides). The staff have never met you before.
You need to:
Introduce yourself (include on 1st slide)
Explain your job/responsibilities (include on 1st slide)
Introduce some basic facts about JASPAL – when were they established, what they do etc. (on a power point slide – about 2 short paragraphs), you can get some information from:
Explain what you will be talking about - IT staff choose a) and Admin staff choose b):
a) IT staff – explain what IT problems staff may have in the shop and how they can solve the problems; include both of the following:
• Unable to print (list items to check on powerpoint)
• Unable to send an email (list items to check on powerpoint)
You should give your contact details for JASPAL IT department, in case they cannot solve the problem.
b) Admin staff – explain to JASPAL shop staff what do to if customers want to update their “My Card”.
Explain that they need to contact Administration at Jaspal and what information the customer will need to provide (member card number) and what information fields you can update, e.g.,
• Name, address, email address, telephone number (power point)
• Give contact details for the Administration department (power point)
Your IT or Admin presentation should last approximately 5 minutes. Please keep the power point slides brief and use bullet points where appropriate. The objective is that the slides are to help your presentation only. Most information should come from you as a speaker.