Safety activities defined in achieving compliance
Accidents are seen as unavoidable, part of the job
Front line staff are uninterested in safety
Safety used as an “issue” to be argued
Management ignores safety and leaves it up to the safety folks
Emergency response average for the industry
Safety is seen as a business risk – management has input
Safety is based on engineering controls as main focus
Accidents are seen as preventable
Lagging indicators used to measure performance
Accident rates / EMR are low…but reached a plateau
Involvement of frontline employees seen as critical
Accidents causes are varied and root cause is investigated
All employees accept responsibility for safety
Safety is seen as a moral and economic benefit
Significant pro-active measures are in place
A healthy lifestyle (non-work) is promoted
Prevention of all injuries and illnesses is a core corporate value… with top management leading the way
Sustained period of “zero injury” status but no complacency
A range of indicators are used to measure performance and improvement
Striving to find new hazard control mechanisms
All employees accept the belief that safety is a part if their job
Considerable investment in promoting safety and health (on and off the job)