Ad hoc expert analysis of key current issues
A final contribution to this paper’s summary of current knowledge
is provided via an ad hoc expert analysis of key current issues
derived from the last workshop at the USE2013 conference. The
workshop required conference participants (the ‘experts’) to form
groups and answer the question: ‘What have we learnt from the
USE2013 conference?’ This section summarises their responses.
The sessions at USE2013 on practical tools for SMEs concluded
that there was a specific need to change focus from development of
risk identification and assessment tools that merely identified the
problems in SMEs, to development of more holistic tools that could
identify how well-being could be improved in SMEs. These sessions
also identified the need for evaluations to assess both health and
economic cost benefit of the interventions. Practical tools should
be based on participation and be implemented stepwise to secure
transfer of knowledge and raise motivation.
Several sessions focused on specific sectors – fishing, agriculture
and hospitality and tourism. The conclusions from these sessions
were that there is still a need to identify the health and
safety problems and the causes of these problems because the
measures of health and safety outcomes in these sectors are still
poor. The participants identified the need for national research
and intervention initiatives that integrated OHS into design of
machinery and other facilities and that made better use of consultants
and other intermediaries with contacts to SMEs. Tools should
be developed in partnership with branches and industries and
should include integration of OHS in training of managers and
workers. This should be discussed and developed within a network
of international collaboration. A major issue for these sectors was
considered to be the high prevalence of migrant workers. This
was linked to a major concern for developing countries – the large
size of the informal sector. There is also a need to find methods to
identify and address these particular problems in these sectors.