3.4. Evaluation of actinomycetes in Fusarium wilt sick field
When the five potential FOC antagonistic actinomycetes were
further evaluated in wilt stick field conditions, a reduction of
Fusarium wilt incidence (419%) was observed at 28 DAS over the
control, where no actinomycetes were inoculated (Fig. 3). In the
control, 100% disease incidence could be noticed by 20 DAS itself.
Reduction of wilt disease incidence was found maximum with
CAI-24 that was up to 25% at 24 DAS and 15% at 28 DAS. The next
one being KAI-90 with 22% reduction at 24 DAS and 19% at 28
DAS with the M1 (seed inoculation) method. The other three
isolates (CAI-121, CAI-127 and KAI-32) showed lower levels of