Without Prejudice
Receipt of your claim filed in respect of the alleged loss/damage is hereby acknowledged. Following marked documents were not enclosed in the claim file we received from you. We would like to request your good office to forward the missing documents to enable our review of the claim:
1. A written letter detailing the nature and extent of your loss or damage as well as the amount being claimed. Please reference the Bill of Lading number.
2. A copy of the following documents:
Shipper’s (commercial) invoice
Shipper’s packing list
Delivery receipt and devanning tally with seal numbers noted
Paid customs entry form
Original bill of lading, if available
Reconditioning or repair invoices, if applicable
Salvage invoice if cargo was salvaged
3. If your claim is for damaged cargo for which no salvage value is allowed, please provide either a) certificate of destruction, or b) statement describing disposition of the cargo, that the goods which are the subject of your claim had no economic value, and that neither cargo owner, its employees or agents received any economic benefit from these goods.
Your claim can be resolved in a timely manner if your initial claim is fully documented. The abovementioned documents will serve as basis for us to proceed with the claims review process.
If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact me.