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#604: Golden Crow ancestor place
7 Report ENZN
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„Your this month except for keeping two points of will has been used to protect Little Demon Empress, the whole person enters the boundary of depth practice the altruism has had no interest in completely, is unable to feel passing of time clearly.” The Jasmine sound light brings the point to take pleasure in others'misfortunes slightly: „Your sensation to passed several double-hour, the regulations are entire 30 days. If not for in your subconscious also worried, you immersed in condition several years, several years are not even strange.”
„~! How don't #¥% that you awaken me?” Yun Che almost grasps crazily.
„Why do I want to awaken you?” Rhetorical question that Jasmine disdains: „So rare practice condition, I also look forward to you to continue.”
„” Is impossible to hit Jasmine, Yun Che has wanted to grasp to beat violently buttocks her. He looks hastily to Little Demon Empress, although passed for one month, but he isolates the flame the strength not to disappear, therefore Little Demon Empress does not have the least bit burnt trace from top to bottom. Also at this time, Little Demon Empress opened the eye suddenly, with his line of sight relative.
„You returned to the soul finally.” Little Demon Empress Coldly light [say / way].
Although Little Demon Empress the expression is bad, but sound and complexion do not have the weak shape, this lets the Yun Che greatly Shu one breath, his some [say / way] embarrasedly: „Why for a long time don't you awaken me?”
„You clearly enter the sudden enlightenment condition that altruism has had no interest, this condition profound rarely bumps into life-long one time. Only if I arrive at the time that was unable to support, otherwise I cannot certainly disturb.” Little Demon Empress deep looked at Yun Che one: „You input the profound air/Qi of my within the body to make my life vitality entire 30 days not have any being defeated and dispersed unexpectedly in this Sea of Death, you also enter the sudden enlightenment condition unexpectedly you simply are an unthinkable monster.”
„Thanked the Little Demon Empress praise.” Yun Che somewhat weak [say / way]: „Now you should believe that so long as can leave here, I had certainly the means to repair your life!”
They have not spoken again, but from the opposite party complex pupil light, they knows that each other is thinking anything. Unknowingly unexpectedly entire one month in this Sea of Death, but news that Illusory Demon Realm, has spread over Little Demon Empress inevitably die, a Demon Imperial City surely piece of big piece, but just because of the Demon Empress Grand Ceremony reason, the world outstanding heroes also gets together in Demon Imperial City
Now, Demon Imperial City pattern inevitably already drastic change. Although the Duke Huai palace is insufficient in such a short time to mount the imperial throne, the influence that but controls by him, decides however can lead all easily, will favor the Duke Huai palace the influence also to will certainly suddenly to increase die to be loyal to a Demon Emperor clan, particularly knows that Little Demon Empress will be but why death Yun Family Mu Family, will receive the Duke Huai palace not to have the suppression of ample force without a doubt again.
In addition that hidden in secret fearful Duke Ming
„Immediately leaves here!” Little Demon Empress said.
„Good!” Yun Che immediately accordingly. Since crossed entire one month, Duke Ming and Duke Huai are decidedly impossible also in Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley. He raises the one breath fiercely, the body upward illness flees to go in the Golden Crow lava to shuttle back and forth, such scene is thinks merely can make innumerable profound be afraid, but Yun Che shuttle in, simply compared with also want simple optional many in the air. Even if because is the thinnest air becomes the slight resistance to other party, but here as crowded as extreme hot element, actually in inexhaustible gives him to boost.
Sea of Death continuous three thousand miles, huge incomparable, nobody knows its depth. Yun Che immersion one month, does not know one are at Sea of D
ภาษาไทย → ภาษาอังกฤษ
ผลการแปล(ภาษาไทย > ภาษาอังกฤษ)คัดลอกผลการแปลเทียบสองภาษาในหน้าเดียว
Hello, I want you to know about me like, drink alcohol, don't go out at night, I go to a restaurant the day the evening go exercise. Then go home every day. I live in a small town, quiet, comfortable. I want you to know me more. But I can't speak to you. My sister doesn't believe you will love me? Just talk to thank you, still have us to get to know each other better, and be happy.
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