Research shows a direct association between the amount of excess weight in
childhood and cancer risk in adulthood. For every one-point increase in body
mass index, there is a 9 percent increase in adult cancer risk.7 Therefore, the
more overweight a child is, the greater his or her risk of developing cancer is
later on.
Cancers of the colon, breast, and prostate are influenced by diet, exercise, and
healthy weight control. Lifelong eating habits are established in childhood,
and the longer the exposure to cancer-fighting foods and the avoidance of
cancer-promoting foods, the greater the likelihood that cancer won’t strike
during adulthood. A study published in the International Journal of Cancer
found that vegetarians have reduced breast cancer risk, compared to meat-4
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eaters, most likely due to the abundance of healthful foods and avoidance
of meat throughout their lives.8