Setting of the upper production limit (red dotted line)
This line has no influence on the control loops. It has signalizing function. If this
line is exceeded a corresponding message (see chapter 8.1.8) can be displayed.
In addition the Process Control can reject the articles concerned (see chapter
8.1.5) (option). Where the line has to be positioned depends on the plunger- and
finish contours.
The correct position should be determined as follows:
Reduce the gob weight by displacing the set-point value line until
production errors result which are typical for plungers which immerse too
deep into the blank mould, e.g. sticking plungers, checks etc.
Such defects typically appear at cavities with the highest plunger positions.
If the first errors of this type appear, set the line a little below the highest
plunger positions. In this example the line was set to 6.2 mm.