Can you provide a process documentation?
Are the service processes designed from the customer's perspective?
Are handovers between organizational units minimized for the typical service tasks?
Are handovers between employees minimized for the typical service tasks?
Are the roles within the service processes clearly defined?
Is there a ticket system?
Are service levels in place for the handling of customer contact requests (esp. avoiding long waiting times for customers)?
Do you use the opportunities for customer self-service (also to reduce your own workload) such as online check of status, FAQs,…?
Is the customer enabled to administrate his customer data online?
Is the customer enabled to place orders online?
Are there clear rules and guidelines on good will actions, especially waiving costs to customers?
Are processes and roles known to the employees?
Do employees work according to the formal process documentation?
Is a process for spare part provision defined and standardized?
Is spare part demand and availability monitored?
Is there a dedicated inventory planning for your service business? Is there a planning strategy?
Is there a dedicated material purchasing process for your service business?
Is there a dedicated return logistics process for service item return (all return reasons)?
What is the % of returned order lines vs delivered (for service jobs)?