The adsorption thermodynamics of four resins were shown in
Table 3. The Langmuir model was not suitable for describing the
adsorption behavior of the four resins, and it was evidenced by
the weak correlation coefficients of the resins at different temperatures.
In comparison, the fitting of Freundlich model yielded relatively
high correlation coefficients for all the different
temperatures suggesting that it is a good model for reflecting the
adsorption behaviors of these four resins. These findings were consistent
with those found in the study of Ayranci and Hoda (2005).
According to Van’t Hoff equation, the enthalpy changes (DH) were
calculated as 10.01 kJ/mol for SP-825 resin, 5.23 kJ/mol for
XAD-16 resin, 2.12 kJ/mol for HP-20 resin, and 1.98 kJ/mol for
HP-2MGL resin, respectively. The negative values of enthalpy
changes (DH) for all resins suggested that adsorption process
was exothermic and low temperature was good for adsorption process
(Gökmen & Serpen, 2002). Moreover, the absolute values of
enthalpy changes (DH) for all the four resins were less than
43 kJ/mol, indicating that the adsorption of the peptide onto the
resin surface was governed by physical mechanisms rather than
chemical mechanisms (Lin et al., 2012). The Freundlich model
assumes the adsorption onto heterogeneous surfaces sorption sites
of different energies, and can be used to describe the adsorption
behavior of a mono-molecular layer or a multi-molecular layer
(Zhigang et al., 2001).
The XAD-16 and SP-825 resins were more effective for peptide
enrichment than HP-20 and HP-2MGL resins. The chemical and
physical properties of the resins accounted for the detected differences
in adsorption/desorption behaviors. XAD-16 was the most
suitable resin among the four resins used for the enrichment of
The adsorption thermodynamics of four resins were shown inTable 3. The Langmuir model was not suitable for describing theadsorption behavior of the four resins, and it was evidenced bythe weak correlation coefficients of the resins at different temperatures.In comparison, the fitting of Freundlich model yielded relativelyhigh correlation coefficients for all the differenttemperatures suggesting that it is a good model for reflecting theadsorption behaviors of these four resins. These findings were consistentwith those found in the study of Ayranci and Hoda (2005).According to Van’t Hoff equation, the enthalpy changes (DH) werecalculated as 10.01 kJ/mol for SP-825 resin, 5.23 kJ/mol forXAD-16 resin, 2.12 kJ/mol for HP-20 resin, and 1.98 kJ/mol forHP-2MGL resin, respectively. The negative values of enthalpychanges (DH) for all resins suggested that adsorption processwas exothermic and low temperature was good for adsorption process(Gökmen & Serpen, 2002). Moreover, the absolute values ofenthalpy changes (DH) for all the four resins were less than43 kJ/mol, indicating that the adsorption of the peptide onto theresin surface was governed by physical mechanisms rather thanchemical mechanisms (Lin et al., 2012). The Freundlich modelassumes the adsorption onto heterogeneous surfaces sorption sitesof different energies, and can be used to describe the adsorptionbehavior of a mono-molecular layer or a multi-molecular layer(Zhigang et al., 2001).
The XAD-16 and SP-825 resins were more effective for peptide
enrichment than HP-20 and HP-2MGL resins. The chemical and
physical properties of the resins accounted for the detected differences
in adsorption/desorption behaviors. XAD-16 was the most
suitable resin among the four resins used for the enrichment of
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