Tay got to his feet, towering over me. Something, worried me. Maybe I'd been pushing Chris too quickly? His dark eyes bored into me, daring me to move. His lips parted and I swallowed fearing the worst.
"Damn, what a rush," Tay grunted out loud. He looked thoughtful. "And my voice is different."
I sighed with relief. "Kinda cool huh?" I said trying to hide my concern. Returning to Tay's bag, I dressed in my own clothes. "What's your mobile number?"
He frowned and his eyes darted about. "Give me a minute," he muttered.
"You'll have to be quicker than that," I said after waiting a moment.
"It's--," he stuttered, deep furrows formed across this brow before he reeled out the number.
"Not good enough, it's something you should know without thinking. You need get better at retrieving information."
"Well, I remember you in the gym. Then a shiver, that must have been when you got inside. Then I remember talking to *myself* in the bar. Freaky!"
"They're just fresh memories, the strongest ones. It's basic information you need to grasp without trying." He looked despondent. "Don't worry, it'll come. You just need to work at it."
"I thought getting inside was the hard bit.