The aim of the study was to investigate some aspects of the oral health of male Saudi military inductees with special reference to soft-drink consumption, dental erosion, caries and fluorosis prevalences; a second aim of the study was to develop a system for assessing dental erosion. The material comprised a random selection of 95 individuals with a mean age of 20.9 years (range, 19-25 years). A questionnaire survey was made of each individual's dietary and oral hygiene habits and general and oral health, in addition to clinical, study cast, radiographic, and photographic examinations. The results showed that soft-drink consumption in the sample (x = 247 1/year) far exceeded that found in Western populations and that professional and self-administered dental care were generally scant. Twenty-eight per cent of the maxillary anterior teeth showed pronounced dental erosion. Fluorosis was a common finding, and the number of untreated carious cavities was high. DMFT (x = 10.0; DT = 7.7; MT = 0.5; FT = 1.8) and DMFS (x = 18.3; DS = 12.6; MS = 2.5; FS = 3.2) were higher than those of comparable Western populations and showed an approximately threefold increase over a period of about 18 years as compared with that previously reported in a similar Saudi sample. In view of the high frequencies of dental erosion, untreated carious cavities, and fluorosis reported here and the strong indication of an increasing caries prevalence, the need for serious recognition of the implications in the planning of future dental health care programs is stressed.