Sorry honey, im doing good now, but i feel tired this day, i think i have a fever now, but dont worry honey, ill be fine, i can handle my self. Sorry coz i not answer you im very sorry how. But i love you honey, thanks for taking care of me, i appreciate you so much. I love you more, and yoi know i miss you too. Every single day.You too honey, please take care of your self always. Keep safe thinking. I think after i done washing my clothes now honey, i go to rest early, i need a rest to recovered. Thats the only thing that i may to be good as well. Hehe This day is my tireder day, coz i done a lot of things i did. Its been a whole day busy while im not feeling well to. Its hard to work it on, but i did coz nobody can do, coz im alone here. But you make me strong honey, knowing that you showed your care to me. Im so blessed of you, and im very thankful to you. I dont wanna missed someone like you honey. Coz your my only one that i care in my heart. I love you honey, and dont for get it, your alway mine, and ill be yours. Honey do you have a LINE account? ?? Add me please? ?? Dice Jay Smith is my account name. We do chats and calls.