Water resources are of significant importance to human beings. The
present investigation was carried out for biodegradation of dairy
effluent by using selected aerobic microbial isolates and a model
having layers of sawdust and activated charcoal asfiltering media.
Yeast isolates (DSI1) and two bacterial isolates (DSI2and DSI3)were
obtained from the dairy sludge. A mixed culture (DSI4) was prepared
by taking 1:1, DSI1 and DSI3 to treat the effluent and check its
efficiency. After aeration period of 48 h, mixed culture of dairy sludge
isolates proved to be most efficient in treatment of effluent. DSI2
showed least reduction in chemical oxygen demand. After aeration,
the reduction efficiency of DSI4was highest by 47.52% in biological
oxygen demand in comparison with other isolates. DSI3was second
most effective in reduction of water parameters mainly electrical
conductivity, totals solids, chemical oxygen demand and biological
oxygen demand