appropriate nonthrust and thrust mobilization/manipulative interventions were continued. Joint MPT interventions were ceased once assessed joint end feel was considered normal, PROM equaled the contralateral side, no further progression could be made secondary to patient complaint of pain, or there was no noted progression following repeated mobilization/manipulations (3 sessions without change). Following mobilization/manipulation, patients were prescribed exercises, which were determined individually based upon the outcomes of their evaluation. Exercises were chosen primarily to strengthen the hip external rotator and abductor musculature, given the examination findings of consistent lateral hip weakness in these muscles for each patient. A home exercise program was established for each patient, with the most frequently prescribed
exercises and hip stretches listed in Table 7. In general, exercises were completed in 3 sets of 10 repetitions without weight, then progressed with the addition of weight up to 4 kg as a maximum for gluteus medius training in hip abduction and external rotation with the knee flexed to 90° and the hip flexed to 45°.