Just want my baby. Ha ha U will. U are is beautiful so beautiful U mean in a few years u want to come be my gf? Why are u up so late? I went for a drink after dinner with my friend and his wife from Canada before they go Bali tmrw.
Have u ever been to another country?Just curious at first if u actually had one. Then I asked to see your age and photo he he Yes but I asked originally because I want to travel with u or being u to go and then I thought to see it cause I like u and just want to make sure
Ok baby?
It is safe
I won't do anything with it
*Travel with u or bring u to HK
I wrong type before Trust is important in a relationship
What do your friends call you? What is your name that your friends use? Use many names for meReally
Similar t
To mineDo u have face time? Yes honey
Ok ,I like u much more today after u send me this videos and we have good talk
Good night