and frequencies of
optimal filtration efficiency (Gro¨schl, 1998; Hawkes
et al., 2002). No exact mathematical treatment is
available to simulate acoustic wave propagation in
piezoelectric multilayer resonators of cylindrical
geometry. However, the similarity of the mathematical
solutions of the equations of piezoelectricity for
plane and cylindrical waves suggests the applicability
of the 1-D transfer matrix model as a predictive tool
for estimation of resonator properties in a tubular
transducer system. By default, we applied the 1-D
transfer matrix model without modification to the
tubular system developed here. The properties of the
different layers in a cross-section of the novel cell
disrupter were taken as input to the model to
calculate the electrical admittance of the system and
to predict the operating frequencies at which best cell
disruption results could be expected.