sludge [5, 6]. Because of high power expenses these methods didn't find widespread introduction in practice
of sediments utilization [7, 8].
Expenses from urban wastewater treatment plants in the mode of the extended aeration can make from 335 to 760
Euro/t of dry solid, that is valid to the plants with power 10-400 thousand eguiv. - inhabitants. It makes about 7.6-
16.7 Euro/year for one eguiv. inhabitant, or 0.1-0.3 Euro/m3 of treated water [1, 2].
For ecological and economic reasons the most perspective method of excess sludge utilization can be considered
the deep aerobic processing of sediment by a complex of the heterotrophic and autotrophic microorganisms in
constructions with the flooded airlift system of aeration [9]. This method differs from a method of the extended
aeration by the increased extent of destruction of ashless part of activated sludge organic substance.