The release of heavy metal ions into environment as a result of industrial activities may create a serious environmental pollution. Elevated levels of potentially hazardous contamination of metal ions in effluent from refining, electroplating and welding industries have increased the awareness of these pollutants [1]. Nickel is one among the pollutants, a mutagen causing various health related is-sues like skin allergy and cancer [2]. Care need to be taken to remove nickel from environmental waste streams which should be less than 0.0015mg/L. Development of cost-effective treatment technologies is areal challenge for recovery of pollutants/metal ions[3,4].Techniques like membrane separation, precipitation, electrodeposition for heavy metals removal from waste water are ineffective to handle the water polluted with low concentration of heavy metals and also expensive [5]. Among the available conventional technologies physiochemical means of adsorption process is found to be cost effective.