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Your PayPal payment for US $14.20 was posted to your account on Dec-04-14 03:02:36.
Account Summary
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Latest invoice amount (Nov-29-14) : US $14.20
New Activity applied to the latest invoice noted above: -US $14.20
-US $14.20
Amount due as of Dec-09-14: US $0.00
New activity not yet invoiced: US $0.00
Current Balance: US $0.00
View: All account activity | Fees | Credits | Payments and refunds
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Payment methods for Seller Fees
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Automatic payment method - None
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Backup payment method - None
You can make a one-time payment using PayPal or another payment method.
PayPal is a convenient option for paying your eBay seller fees.
Automatic PayPal Payments
The simplest way to pay your seller fees.
Your PayPal Account Information PayPal
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View and update your PayPal account information and profile summary. Clicking the links below will take you to PayPal's secure website.