Tools of Development Communication Employed
As an overall strategy for Bangladesh, UNDP employs diverse channels of development communication. They include tradition mass media conduits like television, radio documentary films, and photographs, as well as project website, and media awareness workshops and multifarious training for project nongovernmental organization (PNGOs), local staff, local journalists, line ministries, regional council and conventional local government organisations like Upazilla Parishads and Union Parishads. With a view towards generally promoting UNDP’s work, UNDP Bangladesh Website has created a media gallery that includes press release, photo gallery, photo essay, video/short documentaries, speeches, publications, on-the-ground feature stories of different projects, and communications network meeting. The focus of the network meeting is primarily to share success stories that can be promoted widely through the media to UNDP regional offices or headquarters, and to the donor agencies. Essentially that entails internal communication to highlight success stories or, to look at it another way, for the UNDP personnel to feel reassured or good about themselves and their organization.