IATA 70th Anniversary
Celebrating 70 years of Flying Better, Together.
In April 1945, 57 airlines from 31 countries gathered in Havana, Cuba to found the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Global standards, partnerships and collaboration were the driving force behind the creation of IATA - elements that are just as important today as they were seven decades ago.
A focus on safety, for example, transcends commercial interest. Everybody benefits from a safer industry. Nor could airlines cooperate to provide efficient connections across their operations without global standards.
The celebration of 70 years of industry cooperation through IATA is a reminder of the enormous value that airlines have created by working together—global mobility for 3.5 billion travelers and 50 million tonnes of cargo. That links economies, connects people, opens minds and creates opportunities.
April marks the beginning of celebrations across the 50 IATA offices around the world. We’ll also take the opportunity of our Annual General Meeting taking place in Miami 7-9 June to celebrate 70 years of cooperation with our members.