The assessment of energy demand along with the environmental emissions can help the energy planner to develop an energy plan in a sustainable manner. The scenario analysis reveals that the implementation of public transportation systems has a high potential to reduce both energy requirements and CO2 emissions, followed by the improvement of fuel economy in passenger cars and the energy efficiency improvement of appliances. The highest potential of energy savings and mitigation of CO2 emission in 2020 are expected to be 1240 thousand toe and 3622 thousand tons, respectively, if all strategies are simultaneously implemented. In this study, however, the penetration rate of efficient appliances, especially efficient motors in the industrial sector, is assumed to be at a very low rate. Because most efficient motors utilized in Thai industrial sector have been imported [15], their capital cost is too high compared to the conventional motors. However, electric motors are the main electricity-consuming devices used in the industrial sector. If efficient motors are promoted, the electricity consumption in this sector will decrease. In order to promote the efficient motor, the financial support should be considered and others barriers should be studied in depth.