Shhh….Listen carefully class of 2003.. What do you hear? These sounds you hear tonight will last a lifetime. Grab hold of them like it’s the last minute you will ever hear. Store them up and save them in your hearts, for they are priceless. Each whisper, each flash of the camera, each tick of the clock is a reminder of something you’ve gained while here at Wentzville Holt High School. Pay attention, so when you hear them later in life you will remember this graduation day and all you have accomplished.
“Ring…ring…ring”…When you hear this sound, remember our first day of Freshman year. This day was similar to a baby kitten opening its eyes to the real world. We came full of innocence and curiosity, just as the baby kitten does. We squirmed anxiously in our desks as we waited to accept our new challenges. We learned how to motivate ourselves, a valuable skill. Don't forget this lesson, for it will take you far in life.
“Slam, slam, slam”—When you hear the door slam after the bell rings you know class is going to begin. When you hear this noise remember the teachers that slammed that door shut everyday. In the huge novel that we call life, our teachers have been an enormous chapter.
A huge chapter that we composed together…after they taught us how to read it..and write it. These words that we scribble down on blank pages….are finally being published as we get ready to take that big step…towards the “grown up” world. This book… one that we will cherish forever…, will stay in our back pockets for security, for support, and for remembrance of the learning and growing that we did together.
“Ra-Ra-Ra”--As a cheer rings out, think back to play-off football games in the frigid winter air. Remember clinging frantically to a cup of lukewarm hot chocolate as if it’s the only thing keeping you alive. Listen once more to the noisemakers in your hands as you slammed them tog