Subject were tested while supine lying on a padded mat on the
treatment couch / treatment table. Their designated non dominant
upper extremity were positioned with the shoulder abducted about
30degree, the elbow flexed 90 degree and forearm supinated
with their feet against their wall [11]. Strength was measured with
the help of a strain gauge (mounted on a wall). Height of strain
gauge was adjusted according to the length of the subject’s
forearm. Instruction to the subjects were to take 1-2 sec to come
to maximum force generation along with pulling strain gauge and
then continue flexing the elbow as hard as possible for 5 second.
Consistently verbal encouragement and command was provided
throughout every effort. Three measurements were taken for each
subject and consequent measurement was separated by 2 minutes
rest. The mean values of three measurements were used for the
analysis [11].