Cooking properties
2.4.1. Swelling capacity and swelling index
The volume of 100 g of seeds was predetermined using a graduated
cylinder and they were subsequently soaked overnight in
distilled water. The volume of the seeds after soaking was then
measured. Swelling capacity and the swelling index were determined
(Adebowale et al., 2005).
Swelling capacity¼
Volume after soakingVolume before soaking
Number of seeds
Swelling index ¼
Swelling capacity of seeds
Volume of one seed
2.4.2. Hydration capacity and hydration index
Seeds (100 g) were soaked in 100 mL of distilled water in a
measuring cylinder and covered with an aluminum foil. The
seeds were left to soak for 24 h in room temperature
(20± 2 C), drained and excess water was removed using a tissue
paper. The weight of the swollen seeds was measured.
Hydration capacity and hydration index were calculated
(Adebowale et al., 2005).
Hydration capacity¼
Weight after soakingWeight before soaking
Number of seeds
Hydration index ¼
Hydration capacity of seeds
Weight of one seed
2.4.3. Cooking time
Distilled water was brought to boil in 500 mL spout less beakers
fitted with bulb condenser to prevent loss of water during
cooking. 20 g of seeds from each cultivar was separately added
to them. Boiling was continued, and samples (4–5 seeds) were
withdrawn using a spatula at 5 min intervals upto 30 min and
thereafter after every 2 min and tested for softness by pressing
between finger and thumb. The time from addition of seeds till
achievement of the desirable softness was recorded as the
cooking time.
2.4.4. Gruel solid loss
Gruel solid loss was determined according to the method of
Wani et al. (2013).
2.4.5. Cooked length–width ratio
The cumulative length and width of 10 seeds were measured
after cooking for minimum cooking time. The length–breadth
ratio of the 10 cooked seeds was determined by dividing the
cumulative length to the cumulative breadth of cooked seeds.
2.4.6. Water uptake ratio
Twenty grams of seeds was cooked in 200 mL of double distilled
water for minimum cooking time. The cooked seeds were
then removed; drained and surface water on seeds