Overall the last two couple of weeks we think that NiP has done well to be honest. They won against G2 & Mouz really convincingly and managed to beat nV on dust2 and also played really well against VP on Inferno. Demolished both Penta and Dignitas on Train & Dust2. Managed to not only beat TSM in a BO1 but also in BO3 with some solid scores pretty consistently. When it comes to LAN, it feels like NiP always steps it up a notch and play so much better. Yes they did just lose against Titan on dust2, on OT after beating them the first half with 11:4 CT side. Going over to having a very bad t-side. But we think that due to this being on LAN that NiP will work this one out and actually come out on top here. Because we do find them being stronger individually but also as a team. They work better as a team and going pure by statistics we also think they have done better most recently as well. So OUR CHOICE here will be NiP due to the fact that we not only consider the players being more consistent offline but we also think that NiP when it comes to proving something that they actually step it up and we know for a fact how important this tournament is as their contracts are about to end, so if they actually want to continue with this current roster we think that they have to do really well in this tournament.