the CPU carries out all the basic operations on the data
Digital music takes up a lot of space - about 10 MB for every minute of stereo sound
The Internet is made up by thousands of networks
A network consists of two or more computers that are connected together to share information
Somebody broke into her car and stole her laptop
Nowadays we can log on to the Internet via smartphones everywhere we go.
A printer can also be set up for sharing among multiple computers across a local network.
You can use an online dictionary to look words up to find their definitions, pronunciations, synonyms and antonyms.
These files take up a lot of disk space. You should delete some of them or move them to a CD or DVD for a future use
To use Slipakorn online services you need to sign up for a new account. After you complete all steps, you can logon the the system by filling in the form using your username and password