An applicant must submit the following:
1. One (1) completed application form
2. Two (2) recent photographs (attached to application form)
3. Two (2) copies of certificate, academic transcript or grade report
4. Two (2) copies of personal statement with study plan and career
goals (100-150 words)
5. One (1) letter of recommendation mailed directly to the
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol
6. Two (2) copies of TOEFL score report of 500 or an IELTS of
6.0 or higher (if available)
7. Application fee payment evidence. (Fee of 500 bath is to be paid
only by a bank transfer to the Siam Commercial Bank Account
name “B.Sc. Actuarial Science” Account number 026-446748-4,
then a copy of the bank’s payment slip must be to sent, together
with the application form and other required documents in the
same application package, to the Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, Mahidol University)