vitamins C and E work synergistically; when vitamin E becomes oxidized by free radicals, it is regenerated
in the membrane by vitamin C.3-5 Previously, we have reported that L-ascorbic acid applied topically to the skin reduces the photoinjury produced by both UVB and UVA irradiation.
6 Thecritical role of -tocopherol for the antioxidant protection of the stratum corneum lipid bilayer and protection against stratum corneum protein oxidation has been recently reviewed.
7 In this study, we report on a combination of antioxidants, L-ascorbic acid and -tocopherol, optimized with regard to concentration and pH for maximum photoprotective effects.
We demonstrate that this combination of vitamins
C and E is superior to either antioxidant alone.
The combination provides for a 4-fold protection
when compared with vehicle against erythema produced
by solar-simulated irradiation and inhibits the
generation or accumulation of thymine dimers in skin.