1. You are riding to the 50th floor in an office building. There is one other person on the elevator. It's going to be a l00000ng ride!
2. You're in the office when you notice a new student enrolling. She seems frightened and unhappy. You find out she's from France and doesn't speak English very well. 3. You're at a football game. Everyone in your section is cheering for your team. The man sitting next to you is the father of one of the star players. He is very excited about the game.
4. You're checking .out at the food store. You notice that the elderly woman in front of you left a birthday card at the register.
5. You're at the dog training class with Rover. Another person is there with a very unusual-looking dog—that is very ill-behaved!
6. Everyone at school knows that Mike was suspended for bringing a knife to school last semester—and now he's back in school. He acts as though he doesn't have a friend in the world.
7. A popular girl, whom you don't know very well, won an award for swimming. You've never talked to her before, but you're going to pass her in the hallway in about ten seconds.
8. You see a little girl having trouble working the pay phone on a busy street in front of a store. She looks as though she's about to cry.