Formation of a Color Sense Human Unconsciously absorb images through thei daily environmet their senses and communication with 0theirs. This process begins in childhood. For instance, children are easily impressed by a bright scene. A multcolored flower bed of tulips might elicit an excited reaction. " Wow! That's peretty " a child is apt to say. Such an image would then be impressed on the mind, and the flowers' Colors impo sed onto the mental database and categorized as a "pretty" image.
ln this manner, familiar images are impressed on the senses over time. A series of such images inscribed on the heart and mind determines a person's taste and lifestyle.
Psychological Development Word Imagesand Color Sense
A rich living environment is necessary to encourage and nurture a child's creative sense. To develop fully, a child needs a sodid stock of healthy images. Below are some adjectives chosen from (Japanese) elementary school tetbooks. Can you see how the words'nuances are connected to the color scheme?