Please refer to the invoice 2013-SR-122 int her amount of 2,000USD with a credit card debit authorization form. The form authorized to debit Master Card credit card of Mr.Wison Pupaiboon no. 5404 9201 0129 0377. The amount of 2,000USD would be debited in 2 times on 1 August, 2014 in the amount of 1,000 USD and the other 1,000 USD on September, 2014
On August, 2014, Secret Retreats, however, debited Mr.Wison credit catd from Bali in the amount of 1,000 USD Mr.Wison then misunderstood that he did not use any service in Bali and disputed the transaction Leter, Secret Retreat contacted the cardholder about this issue. When Mr. Wison knew, he then asked The Scent Hotel to transfer money to Sevret Retreats instead.